Why would you need this peeping from the doorway shit? And that fuckin’ bottle??? What was that all about?Just get the lads into the room,strip and get into each other as if you really meant it. None of the boys looked as if they fancied each other.
Seems to be a compilation of hot twink sex scenes. first two follow a long haired twink through a casting audition and waiter interview. then a super hot glory hole scene (we’ve seen a longer version on site), finally a hot emo boy scene. four scenes in 45 minutes, hot, enjoyable. light weight
Wow, imagine this as two friends/student/lovers coming straight to the bedroom after school, closing the heavy soundproof door (mom would never let the door be closed if it were her daughter and boyfriend, lol) and making love. This action is not just sex, it is obviously not their first time. it is a slow intense sensual coupling. Flip flop shows the relationship is mutual between equal soul mates. Beautiful twinks, well and closely matched.
Kyler is coming aboard sucking a lollipop ring. Never done anything like this? well you can make yourself believe this if you want. It will make the scene that much hotter to watch. not that Kyler (young face, shaved pubes and all) isn’t super hot to watch anyhow. He’d probably be voted among the top 5 boy toys you’d want to fuck.